#11: Pushing vs. Learning
Peace Journeyers! I have missed you all. I’ve been fully engrossed in living life and being present each day. As I came into this reflective state, I realized I had a journey update for you. Continue reading below to find out more!
Also, be sure to visit the links below to see episodes 1-6 of season one's Journey Interviews. As always, check out the nonprofit that I founded, J2S, and be sure to donate! Now, lets discuss the difference between pushing through and learning through life.
Hard Truths
“But I recently realized that, subconsciously, I cared about other people’s opinions way more than I should have.”
I decided to commit to dispelling ideas and beliefs that no longer serve me. I think it’s important that we consistently set aside time to do this. Not just once, but routinely because as you journey towards your true self, your beliefs and values change. This was a huge feat for me as I use to be the type of person who cared SO much about what others thought. Granted, I was also the type of person that lied and said that the opinions of others did not matter to me. In a sense, I actually thought that to be true because I told myself so many times that I did not care. But I recently realized that, subconsciously, I cared about other people’s opinions way more than I should have. It was to the point where some of my past actions and decisions were based off the concepts of “how would this look?”, “how would this be perceived?”, “what would my mother want me to do?”, “what would make my family most proud?” etc. Living and thinking this way caused me to start pushing through life and it’s lessons rather than learning through life’s lessons.
When you push through, you are finding the strength to physically endure a situation. However, you are not taking the time to reflect. At the ascension that I am at, I can no longer live my life this way. Thus I have had to free myself from decisions that I made for the benefit of others. By choosing to no longer push through, but instead learn through, I can now encounter a situation and not only find the strength to physically get through it, but I can actually sit with the situation and reflect on why it is happening. What part am I playing into why this obstacle is currently being presented to me? What have I not acknowledged, released and/or healed from that has now led to me encountering this? Sometimes pushing through causes detachment thus leading us to a place of not accepting accountability. This can make us continuously see the same issues arise. In order to truly end a continuous cycle, you have to learn through the hard times. You have to come out of the other side with new knowledge and understanding.
Interesting Truths
Pushing through and learning through goes hand in hand because, one builds physical/ external strength (pushing) and the other builds physical/internal strength, soul development and journey progression (learning). I want to also take the time to remind you of the difference between conscious and subconscious. Conscious is the things/thoughts that you are aware of. Right now you are consciously reading and engaging with this blog post. Subconscious is the part of your mind that you are NOT aware of. When you brush your teeth each morning, you do not have to consciously tell yourself the steps because that process is stored in your subconscious. You automatically know what to do, so you can be doing or thinking about something else as you’re brushing.
Interestingly, it is actually our subconscious that influences our actions and our feelings. Yes, you read that correctly. The decisions you make and the way that you feel/respond to things are controlled by the thoughts that you are not even aware that you have!!! This is why Journey 2 Self is so important. This is why I constantly emphasize the importance of going within and facing your secrets and shadows because those things shape your subconscious. Once you start your true healing, you will find yourself learning through life and not just pushing through.
Free Truths
“I can talk about my lower self with no shame because I’m not that person anymore” - @thehoodhealer (IG handle)
We have all a unique journey. However, many of us have similar experiences and sharing my journey will hopefully help many of you begin to open up more to yourself. Buy that crystal. Research how to meditate. Finally be honest and say that you have no idea who you are because you were born into a system that is structured to control you as oppose to letting you freely exist. I recently came across a post by the IG account, @thehoodhealer, that said “I can talk about my lower self with no shame because I’m not that person anymore” and it perfectly sums up where I am at today in my journey.
Your homework this week is to catch up on season 1 of The Journey Interviews: Falling In Love With The Journey by viewing the 6 posted episodes. After you’re done, prepare for episode 7 which airs on Monday!! It’s a very profound episode and will leave you asking yourself, “am I still stuck in my lower self?”
Until next time,
Uniquely Aniqua